On Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 06:51:26PM +0200, Alexander Burger wrote:
> For example, put this into your .pil/viprc file:
>    (de *F9  # Eval lines till mark
>       (evCmd
>          (run (str (getText (jmpMark (getch) NIL 1)))) ) )

OK, thinking about it, I simplified it a little and will indeed use it
occasionally perhaps :)

   (de *F9  # Eval lines till mark "e"
         (run (str (getText (jmpMark "e")))) ) )

As I'm almost always using "e" for the mark (easiest letter to type on Penti), I
hard-coded it.

And omitting the '1' is better, as it jumps to any position of mark "e" in the
line instead of the beginning of that line.

So now I do "me" somewhere to set ark "e" and then "F9" from somewhere before
that position to execute the code.

☺/ A!ex

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