On Fri, 21 May 2021 13:44 -04:00, andr...@itship.ch wrote:
> Regarding blockchain.. well the sole purpose of blockchain is to 
> operate a distribute database AND operate it by different people who 
> actively mistrust another. This makes it somewhat suited for crypto 
> currencies like bitcoin, but there is not really any other meaningful 
> application. In nearly all real-world scenarios, people can agree on a 
> single group to be the masters of a database and be trusted. Surely 
> such a system warrants checks and balances, but still you can then 
> setup a central database operated by a single actor, [...]
> So in my humble opinion, any real world application of blockchain 
> technology outside of anti-governmental currency is complete bullshit 

You're in good company: Bruce Schneier says this too.

Blockchain and Trust (February 12, 2019)

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