
I created a small example in today's post:


Hope it helps!

Am 19.09.21 um 17:32 schrieb Alexander Burger:
Hi Jean-Christophe,

I won't be able to attend (UTC+9...) but I had a question *especially* after 
reading Mia's blog.

How is it possible to "pipe" data to a pil script ?

Something like

myOtherScript's result | mypilscript.l
This is not difficult. Just keep in mind that due to the REPL-nature of PicoLisp
the current input channel is on the script while it is 'load'ed.

So you need to redirect the input channel to stdin

    (in NIL
       (line)  # or (read), (char) etc.
       ... )

☺/ A!ex

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