Hi pd,

> > > : (? (factorial @X 120))
> > > -> NIL
> >
> > This is another issue. This Pilog version of factorial cannot do reverse
> > lookup,
> > as it calculate numeric values via Lisp calls.
> ...
> Ok, I suspected that but is there any way to do arithmetic in pilog?  My
> understanding is you have to use picolisp for arithmetic
> How should be declared factorial primitive to be compatible with reverse
> lookup?

I have not tried. How is it in real Prolog?

To take an example a bit simpler than the factorial function, you could start
with addition as:

   (be + (@A @B @C)
      (^ @A (- @C @B)) )

   (be + (@A @B @C)
      (^ @B (- @C @A)) )

   (be + (@A @B @C)
      (^ @C (+ @A @B)) )

With that, you can do thing like:

   : (? (+ 3 4 7))
   -> T

   : (? (+ 3 4 @X))

   : (? (+ 3 @X 7))

   : (? (+ @X 4 7))

But where will that end? Should we also handle two or three variables,
generating all combinations of natural numbers? This could surely be done
(similar to what 'append/3' does for lists), but I never saw a need for that.

> May you tell me what syntax is the right one for prolog primitives
> translated to pilog?
> prolog                          pilog
> p(r(b)).                        (be p (r (b)))      -(1)-   or
>                                 (be p ((r (b))))    -(2)-   or

I would say the first one.

>                                 (be p ((r b)))      -(3)-
> p(z(a),b)                       (be p ((z a) b))    -(1)-       or
>                                 (be p ((z (a)) b))  -(2)-

The second one. But I think it does not matter, you can pass any pattern to a
predicate, it is matched in any case.

> what is supposed to mean (be p (r (b))) if anything?

Yeah, there is no "meaning". It is just a pattern.

   : (? (p r @X))

   $: (? (p q @X))
   -> NIL

   : (? (p @A @B))
    @A=r @B=(b)

   : (? (p @A (@B)))
    @A=r @B=b

> May you explain the estructure of a pilog environment (and the use of unify
> function)

The environments are nested association lists, with numbers for the levels and
then the symbols for the values at these levels.

> and how pilog clauses are converted to property lists?   what
> kind of unification algorithm uses pilog?   maybe in a PilCon session

They are not converted at all. They are stored directly as a list under the 'T'
property of the predicate's symbol. Unification looks them up for each level.

☺/ A!ex

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