On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 06:34:58PM +0100, pd wrote:
> > It tries the first one but does not succeed. The second one matches, so the
> > others are not tried because of the cut.
> This is interesting, in my understanding when matching the first rule it
> should try to unify @C to the result of  @A + @B but since @B is @X  you
> have @B unified to a variable or symbol

This is right.

> and thus @B is not instantiated, it
> has no value and so you cannot do the + operation,

On the Pilog level, @B is indeed unified with @X. But in the Lisp call @B
has the value NIL.

> in my understanding you
> should have got an exception or an error

It is an important feature of PicoLisp that arithmetic functions treat NIL as
"not a number" and not as an error:

   : (+ 3 'a 4)
   !? (+ 3 'a 4)
   a -- Number expected

   : (+ 3 NIL 4)
   -> NIL

> I suppose what happens is first rule don't give an error trying to add @A
> and @B, it simply fails and returns with @C not unified (not binded) and
> thus the cut is never executed so it tries next rule, the second one, now
> it succeeds and executes the cut stopping further matching.


☺/ A!ex

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