On Thu 31 Mar 2022 at 15:25, Henry Baker <hbak...@pipeline.com> wrote:
> An aside: if one is executing on a 64-bit machine, how hard is it to
> execute a 32-bit 'application'? Can one easily start up a 32--bit
> thread inside a 64-bit machine?    This 32 inside 64 question is
> purely theoretical (for the moment)...

I use the 32 bit picolisp written in C.
It runs fine on amd64 machines with 64 bit GNU Linux
and also runs fine on 32 bit and 64 bit raspberry pi.

Alex wrote several picolisp implementations which have different
dependencies, for example:

- minipicolisp: minimal dependencies, less functionality

- 32 bit picolisp in C (the one I am using)

- pil64: 64 bit picolisp in assembly

- picolisp in java

- pil21: picolisp using llvm

There are other projects like bare metal picolisp or picolisp in fpga
but I haven't kept track of those.

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