> So the code MUST be in this loop when the coredump occurs :


Though I don't know the reason for the crash, pleaes
try to stick with pil conventions

>        (for r (idx ratr)
         (foa R (idx Ratr)

>          (when (and (bool r) (lst? r))
           (when (and R (lst? R))

which is

            (when (pair R)

>          (let
>           ( k (car r) v (cdr r) )

               ((K . V) R)

>           (case k
>            ('( "dst" "gateway" "dev" "metric" "mtu" ))

'case' does not eval the keys, so the quote is wrong.

> Why, only when the trailing '+' "Enable Debug Mode" is in '(argv)' ,
> should the behaviour of 'idx' change so drastically ?

> I can send you hundreds of such coredumps - they are not very helpful

Mike Pechkin tried to reproduce it, also with your recommended invocation, but
it does not crash. I think it is an heisenbug.

> unless you can combine using GDB with use of a live picolisp to inspect
> the stack . That is what I'd like to get working .
> I suspect the CFA stack frame info being generated and possibly data layouts
> when not in debug mode may be different to when in debug mode ?

Debug mode does not change anything in the interpreter.

☺/ A!ex

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