On Mon 14 Aug 2023 at 09:05, Abraham Palmer <picolisp@software-lab.de> wrote:
> I'm really a bread baker <http://boxturtlebakery.com>

its fascinating how much IT stuff one needs to know to run a bakery

i like muffins but the link to picture of muffins is broken

> my bakery in Python running against Google's Datastore database.

do your customers know and agree with their info being given to google?

> but the churn of research languages is
> just as bad with things breaking pretty much every year.

PicoLisp has the same problems, there are many "variants" and it is hard
to keep up.  That is why I am stuck with old 32 bit C variant.  But it
still works very well.

If you want something fossilized, try common lisp.

> tried Elm. It is very nice, but one is still very much embedded in the
> browser and JavaScript ecosystem and the churn of running things there
> is too much for me.

I thought Elm has stabilized now?

> I hope that that web approach of just using the browser for just the
> UI will keep things working on old and changing browsers without all
> the testing, polyfilling, etc.

Why is this good in case of PicoLisp and not in case of Elm?
Because you insist on doing the backend in the same language?

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