Hi Alex,

thank you for this new feature, it really looks simpler than the previous
way. I did notice a small spelling error in the documentation of search,
namely the word "referst".

Christos Gitsis

Στις Τετ 25 Οκτ 2023 στις 3:13 μ.μ., ο/η Alexander Burger <
picolisp@software-lab.de> έγραψε:

> Hi all,
> since version 23.10.23 PicoLisp has a new 'search' function. It allows to
> search
> the database for a combination of search criteria:
>    https://software-lab.de/doc/search.html
> 'search' provides the same functionality as the Pilog 'select/3' predicate
>    https://software-lab.de/doc/select.html
> but is much simpler to use, two to three times faster, and more general.
> It is recommended to use 'search' instead of 'select/3' for new projects.
> In the
> long term, 'select/3' will be deprecated.
> I have already replaced 'select/3' and the other Pilog database predicates
> in
> public projects:
> -- The PicoLisp tutorial
>       https://software-lab.de/tut.tgz
>    Relevant here is the "family" application
> -- Demo app
>       https://software-lab.de/demoApp.tgz
>    Online at https://picolisp.com/app
>    The old version is still available for comparisons in
>    https://software-lab.de/demoApp.pilog.tgz
> -- PicoLisp Wiki
>       https://software-lab.de/wiki.tgz
>    Online at https://picolisp.com/wiki
> -- Open StreetMap demo
>       https://software-lab.de/osm.tgz
>    Described in https://picolisp.com/wiki/?osmgeodata
>    Online at https://picolisp.com/osm
> I hope that 'search' turns out to be useful.
> ☺/ A!ex
> --
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