Hi Shaughan,

> Yeah, I'm pretty curious too. The zip opens fine in at least one other App.
> I've attached it. Maybe you will see something.

Now I understand the problem!

"App.l" has three garbage bytes in the beginning;

~/tmp ~/pil21/pil +
: (hd "test/App.l")
00000000  EF BB BF 22 54 65 73 74 22 0A 0A 28 6D 65 6E 75  ..."Test"..(menu
00000010  20 22 54 65 73 74 22 0A 20 20 20 28 3C 68 31 3E   "Test".   (<h1>
00000020  20 22 63 65 6E 74 65 72 20 66 68 22 20 22 54 65   "center fh" "Te
00000030  73 74 21 22 29 20 29 0A                          st!") ).
-> NIL
: (bin (hex "EF"))
-> "11101111"
: (bin (hex "BB"))
-> "10111011"
: (bin (hex "BF"))
-> "10111111"

The first byte is "11101111", which is the first byte of a *four* byte UTF-8
sequence. This usually not really a problem, PicoLisp just reads a garbage

I have of course not tried to install the file, but obviously PilBox gets
confused. It expects a certain structure in the first line of each "App.l" found
upon startup.

It skips until the *next* double quote, and 'load's possible further files. As
the *first* double quote is already eaten up by that bad byte sequence, it
starts from the last double quote of "Test".

I will try to make this more robust.

☺/ A!ex

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