>I just got my Palm IIIc.
>I'm trying to sync it to my SGI.
>The software install seemed to work pretty well (tarballs from SGI).
>My problem is with getting the two machines to talk.
>I connected the cradle to serial one.
>>From the System Manager, what kind of device should I intall in that
>I tryed terminal and it didn't work. It doesn't seem that I should try
>input device or MIDI.
>Should I have another device?

Actually, you'll make your life a lot easier if you just use port 2.  Port
1 defaults to a serial console, and you'd need to disable it before you can
use the port for anything else.

If you do decide you really want to use port 1, look in the /etc/inittab
file.  There will be a line that starts out:


and ends with:

exec /sbin/getty ttyd1 console

You'll need to change the "respawn" to "off", like the line below it.
Then, find the process it started (ps -ef | grep getty), and kill it.

One thing to note is that if you go this route, you'll have to maintain
this change everytime you upgrade the O/S.

>When I got to actually ran the app, I passed -p /dev/tty to it.
>It seemed to have initialized properly, but when it asked me
>to press the hotsync button on the cradle the app just hung.
>Not even a Ctrl+C would kill it.
>The Palm just timed out without conecting to the computer.

The devices you'll want to use are /dev/ttyd1 (for port 1), and /dev/ttyd2
(for port 2).  You'll need to make sure that the one you use has read and
write permissions for everyone.

Hope this helps,

David S. Warren                Member of Technical Staff
Visual Systems Group           Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             WWW: http://reality.sgi.com/dsw
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