On Sunday 24 December 2000 22:48, you wrote:

>       Time is the only limiting factor. You can go both ways. Ther'es a
> project on freshmeat which talkes to a digicam. I actually ripped apart
> the code for a serial sniffer I was trying to construct.

Excellent, I should hunt this one down and have a gander.  Methinks that just 
about anything along the lines of brain food will be good.

>       How about keep the lens cap on. ?

Doesn't have one.  I figured that wrapped in the long sleeve of my sweatshirt 
under a desk in my office after switching off the light would be sufficient - 
I've not been dubbed Caveman for naught, you know ;-)  Am still getting areas 
(top and left the image, mostly) of mixed bits of lighter spots - enough that 
they show up in the thumbnail as well.  Will have them posted somewhere 
reasonably soon.

>       What we actually need is an abstraction. Let's remove the image
> itself from the format it's presented in. Something like XML does for data
> vs. presentation. Just a thought, and I know I'm out of my league here. I
> know how to create and manipulate images like an expert, but not how to
> deconstruct them into their binary goo.

Would be nice, eh?


Paul Bohme - Geek Iconoclast
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.sponheim.org
"Not in knowledge is happiness, but in the acquisition of knowledge.  In 
forever knowing, we are forever blessed, but to know all were the curse of a 
  - E.A. Poe "The Power of Words"
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