Does anyone actually use 'Remind' (the desktop app) or 'reminders'
(the pilot-link conduit) to create/manage alarms and... well, reminders?

        I sucked my Datebook out with it today (921 records), and I've
honestly never used either application until now. The file that remind spits
out is easy to grok, but I found a slight problem, and I'm not yet sure if I
should fix it in pilot-link{reminders} or submit it as a bug to the main site for 'Remind' (the desktop app).

        I have a note attached to one of my Datebook records with the word
'IF' in it, capitalized, and when 'remind' parses over this file with this
text in it, it assumes it's part of an IF...ENDIF clause, and fails, because
there actually is no ENDIF in the file. There may be a way to delimit this
in pilot-link{reminders} itself, so that it doesn't treat these things in
the Notes field as commands and arguments, but I'm not sure yet.

        So I am cleaning up the arguments and other dreck in the codebase
overall, and walking through each of the binaries slowly, one by one, and
happened to find this.  Does anyone use this application? If so, can you
give me a real-world example of the arguments you would typically pass to
'remind' to generate a calendar? I'd love to make sure the output file is
correctly created, or deprecate the beast if we can't get it working

        Ok, back to work on this... I just wanted to keep everyone updated.


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