
I've compiled and installed pilot-link-0.9.5 on my RH6.1 box from the
tarball  http://www.pilot-link.org/source/pilot-link.0.9.5.tar.gz

I have a Palm m505 and a SERIAL (yes, not USB) hotsync cable.  In
addition, I am using the standard OS4 password mechanism to "protect" my

The problem I'm having is that when I try to sync anything, eg
"pilot-xfer -l", I get the following error on my Palm:

     The desktop HotSync
     software does not
     support the password
     on this handheld.  You
     must upgrade your
     desktop software or
     remove the password
     from the handheld.

I also tried checking out a semi-recent version from cvs.  I say
semi-recent because I tried to avoid any of the new automake changes
since the head didn't seem to work for me today (Nov 21).  This also
gives the same error.

I saw the Changlog entry about md5.c and the new password scheme, but
md5.c doesn't seem to be in the above tarball.  It is in the head of the
repository, but like I said, I still get this error.

Is there something I should be doing to specify the password to

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