On Mon, 2001-11-19 at 12:10, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
>       4.) USB support can only come last, after the top three above are
>           working (and 1, 2, and 3 are fairly short-term tasks). The
>           reason for this, is that there exists a very tight coupling of
>           the protocols in pilot-link currently, and those have to be
>           separated a bit, a little surgery if you will, so we can choose
>           which ones we want based on the device or connection we're
>           making at the time. If we don't have a clean build system
>           (autoconf)  and a good way to pass options to the binaries
>           (-usb, -serial, etc.), this would also be a nightmare to
>           implement.
>       Did that all make sense? So that's where it stands today. We're
> working on things, even though we may not be very vocal here in the list,
> things are progressing. The delicate part is that we can't just gut the
> backend libpisock protocol layering without breaking things, so we have to
> be careful about how we do this so we can still maintain
> backward-compatibility with the 0.9.5 build in the interim as the library
> matures.

I've been reading the code today and it looks like the dlp/padp layers
are reasonably separated.  The main cruft revolves around the slp/serial
layers since the read process shuffles around state information and each
layer fiddles/relies on the state information.  I'm trying to come up
with a design that will disengage the two layers, leaving the slp layer
to do simple reads and writes to the serial (and other possible) layers.

>       Once we get all that working, the rest of the CSV/XML/vCAL/vCard
> stuff should be fairly easy to implement, and the good part about cleaning
> up the protocol and collapsing the binaries with more readable code, is that
> a "conduit SDK" can be written to wrap around the code that becomes 0.9.6
> and beyond.

Well, we basically already have this interface in the pi-sync.h
interface that I wrote.

JP Rosevear                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ximian Inc.                             http://www.ximian.com
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