>>For the mean time, the functionality is working, so we can copy files to 
>>& from the memory stick.
>Any chance of that working on other VFS-capable devices like the m50x,
>m125, or Handera 330, too?
I don't have access to any of those devices, if you do, please test.

Turn on the debugging for USB_STORAGE:

Subscribe to the usb-users mailinglist on sourceforge: 
http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=3581 and post your findings + 
kernel log there.

If you have the device working on your windows machine, you may also try 
to use usbsnoop ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/usbsnoop/ ) to see how 
the driver interacts with the device...

Good luck!

Stefan van der Eijk

Pilot-unix mailing list

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