Am Sonntag, den 25.09.2005, 12:17 -0400 schrieb Jason Green:
> After a few weeks of trying different things, I did manage to get the
> ClanLib SVN (0.7.9) version to compile using MinGW.  I've found and
> installed all of the required libraries for Pingus.  Only by disabling
> some lines in the Pingus source code could I get it to compile.  One
> line that I had to change was in tinygettext.cxx - I had to change:
>   char* in  = in_orig;
>        to 
>   const char* in  = in_orig;

We use the tinygettext stuff in supertux and lincity-ng too, and we had
the same problem. Look at the to check for iconv and take a
look at our changes in our tinygettext.* files.


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