In src/time_display.cxx:
Line 69
Change the first parameter.  Line should look like this:

        myfont.draw(CL_Display::get_width() - 30, 3, time_string);

instead of "CL_Display::get_width() - 3"

There's a patch included, too.  This patch also includes an update to tinygettext.cxx which fits the newer iconv.h code.

On 9/26/05, John August <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In the 0.7.0 version I'm running, infinity is fine but the seconds on the
clock is clipped. I'm happy to change this in my own version if anyone
can give me some pointers.


John August.

We should not let current problems detract from progress made; but we
not let recent progress undermine the significance of current problems.

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