----- Original Message -----
From: "Meggan Gould" <m...@etal.uri.edu>

> Hello! I would like to tap into all the zone plate knowledge out
> there...I have done  a fair amount of pinholing, and have read up on
> zone plates and feel more or less comfortable with how to make the
> actual zone plate. What is the best way to then mount the zone plate
> though?

You mount it the same way you mount a pinhole.  If you want to provide some
mechanical protection to the ZP, you could first mount the ZP to a piece of the
same material you use to make your pinholes and then mount that to your shutter,
lens board, cardboard box, Quaker container, etc.

> Has anyone done Holga zone-plating and have any suggestions?

Not Holga, but Lubitel.  Depending what speed of film you use you may find that
outdoors exposure times get very short, bellow 1/2 secs in many cases, having a
shutter is something nice in this cases, that's why I like a lubitel with its
not that accurate but certainly usable shutter.


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