I have a pnuematic nail gun... now all I need to do is figure out how to jam 
the safety (this is hard with only one eye).

I'll get back to you after I've tried this!

John Moore

 --- On Fri 03/14, Thom Mitchell < tjmi...@ix.netcom.com > wrote:
From: Thom Mitchell [mailto: tjmi...@ix.netcom.com]
To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???????
List-Post: pinhole-discussion@pinhole.com
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 16:32:34 -0500
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] Willarney's BB Idea

A slingshot may also work. I know once upon a time in my misspent youth I owned 
a wrist-rocket slingshot. I know I was able to put 1/4 "; 1/2" and 1" steel 
shot through multiple layers of cardboard and the hole were fairly clear. Using 
a bb from about 1' -2' might be the perfect combo of power to punch through 
cardboard creating a nice vignette from the thickness of the material. I would 
use some 16x20 paper to overcome the size of the holes.

Another option might be to use a nail gun....

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