Okay, I've gone & made the camera. I took a 16x11x11 cardboard box (from one of 
the WAY too many online auction purchases) & cut one end off & mounted a piece 
of aluminum foil on the end. I then taped the hell out of it 
(photoblack+carton+duct) and put it all back together for a firing test. I 
don't know if the hole that the BB makes is neat enough for a clean pinhole 
image- I'll have to test that later.

That's the good news... now the bad news: 1st, I cut myself with the carton 
knife I was using (thankfully only once- but it was through the first layer of 
skin) then, I used the BB gun that has the CO2 cartridge (WAY TOO MUCH POWER) 
and the BB went through the foil, through the back of the box, bounced off of 
the workbench and through my glasses & I SHOT MY EYE OUT!

So- I'll have to request the addresses of each of the original posters of this 
thread, as my attorney will be contacting each of you tomorrow morning. Since I 
live in California, I plan on bringing a lawsuit against each of you for not 
warning me of the dangers of BB Pinholing. I'm looking for the deepest pockets 
here, so you might as well make it easy on yourselves & fess up to your annual 
incomes. I'm sure Marcy's collection of toy cameras has to be worth serious 
bucks at this point- so I'm expecting a HUGE settlement!

If I can get some assistance with another test in the morning- I'm hoping I can 
talk one of my neighbors into performing the firing sequence (while I'm busy in 
the darkroom). If this works, I'll post some results here: 

If none of my neighbors are willing/gullible, then maybe I can talk my attorney 
into performing this test.

John Moore
Ramona, CA

John Moore
Ramona, CA

 --- On Thu 03/13, Guillermo < pen...@rogers.com > wrote:
From: Guillermo [mailto: pen...@rogers.com]
To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???????
List-Post: pinhole-discussion@pinhole.com
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 21:57:05 -0500
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] Willarney's BB Idea

>----- Original Message -----
>From: <michael_georg...@trendmicro.com>
>To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
>Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 6:12 PM
>Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Willarney's BB Idea

>Philip Willarney, I salute your brilliantly nutty idea! (And am not
>surprised Ms. Merrill, our associate in wierdness, came out to
>comment!).  Now, given that an airgun bb has a diameter of .175",
>we'll need Guillermo to tell us how far apart the inner sides of the
>box need to be.

Without taking my trusty slide ruler out to make the calculation, I can tell
you it would need to be like the "mother of all pinhole cameras" (or not).


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