In a message dated 11/16/2002 10:35:06 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

> 've been shooting with a Polaroid 545 back for a couple months now.  I've
>  been tossing my negatives in the trash after development.  I was wondering
>  if there was a way to fix the negatives so that I can keep them for future
>  use.  I remember seeing something about this, but I can't remember where I
>  saw it or how I go about doing it.  Whatever the process is, is it the same
>  for both B&W and color negatives?
 If you are using Polaroid Type 55 film(B&W) , you can do a couple of things, 
if you overexpose by one stop , you will get a "lighter " print, but get a 
bit more dense negative . If you are  in the field , you can put the neg into 
a zip lock baggie filled with water, and "clear the negative " with Hypo 
Clear once you get home . Polaroid instructions say you use Sodium Sulfite, 
but I once posted the same question on this list and couple others , and the 
consensus was to use Hypo Clear , wash, and hang to dry . If you are just 
looking to expose Type 55 to get a good print, that is usable for scanning 
and Photoshop , then stick to the EI 50 indicated by Polaroid, if you want a 
denser neg for printing , then use an EI of 25 .
I use Type 55 a lot with my Santa Barbara Lensless 4X5 wide angle (2-1/2 inch 
fl ) and use exposures of about the 3-4 second range as a starting point , 
fine tuning if need be from there . 

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