Thanks for the comment. I thought it was good too. Most folks like Ilford
paper. No, the kodak printing doesn't always come through, but you never can
tell. most folks use an ISo of 5 for starters. I've always used RC.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Amundsen" <>
To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 1:16 PM
Subject: [pinhole-discussion] Paper negative questions

> Hi everyone, I am freshly inspired after this weekends pinhole forum,
> by Tom Miller and Bill Erikson, at the pARTs gallery in Minneapolis. Very
> nice job, hope to see more like it.
> I'm interested in trying paper negative work with pinhole. So I have a
> couple quick questions for those with paper negative experience:
> 1) What brand of single weight photo paper has NO labeling on it's back?
> 2) Does the Kodak name, from the back, show through on the final print
> you print with that brand? or is it faint enough not to?
> 3) Which is best to use RC or fiber?
> 4) Any good starting exposures for brands of paper you might be familiar
> with?
> Well that will give me a good start, thanks for any help you can pass on!
> Sincerly, Andrew Amundsen
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