Hi list,

Finally about to get started building a new darkroom
and need to raise some cash. Thought someone here
might be interested. I have one 25-sheet box of Tri-X
film I'd like to sell. It's factory sealed and been
properly stored (expires December 2003). I'd like to
get $55 for it, buyer pays postage (is it safe to mail
in ordinary mail, I wonder?). Also, I have a nice
Meade 4" telescope with tripod for sale. If interested
in either, contact me off list. Sorry this is off
topic, but thought a pinholer might be able to use the
film. (Both items are in northern California).


P.S. Also slightly off-topic, but I think there was a
discussion here not too long ago about digital
printing. Just wanted to say that yesterday I saw
actual prints done using the Piezography system (B&W)
and the Lightjet system (color) for the first time.
They are simply beautiful. First thing tomorrow
morning I am making an appointment with the local
company doing the work. I want to learn all about it.


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