Rather than using spray paint, find a flat black liquid paint. seal up one of the tube , pour in some paint and then seal up the other end. Roll and tilt the tube so that the entire inside gets covered. Unseal the ends and let the paint dry. (Blackboard paint, mentioned often on this list, is usually available in a can.) With a long narrow tube you definitely will need to cut down on internal reflections.

Depending on the size of your nail, the pinhole may be close to optimum size...

Mike Vande Bunt

chad white wrote:

do i have to paint the inside of the pinhole camera black? i am going to use a 20 foot tube and i dont know if i can get to all of it inside. i bet i lose image if i dont. maybe i should be writing to nailhole discussion... the f stop is going to be insane.

thanks for any help offered.

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