
Alternatively, they do sell what are being billed as x-ray proof film bags - I've seen them at my local camera shop, but haven't tried one yet.

There are two problems with the lead foil x-ray proof bags. The first is that some of them don't work, at least not for higher speed films. The second is that if they DO work the x-ray operator can't clearly see what is inside the bag. There have been reports in some of the US photography magazines of security people being unwilling to allow the x-ray proof bags to be used. (That is, after showing up as an indistinct mass of cylindrical objects on the x-ray the bag had to be opened and each roll of film hand inspected -- this added more time to the security delay.) So if you do use one of these bags you should definitely tell the security people about it before your bag is x-rayed.

I haven't flown in the last year, but I have had filn go through the scanners in the past and never had porblems with it (up to 400 speed, I would put any 800 I had in my jacket pocket and land it to the guard at the metal dectector, I never even had to explain why).
Mike Vande Bunt

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