>From my research since I first posted, I have determined that

a) you are likely to get zapped by much higher powered devices
if your film is in bags which are "checked" and not carried on board.

b) 100asa and under film *should* be able to withstand several exposures
to walkthrough devices.

c) Current FAA regulations state that you can demand a hand check of your
film at the walk through scanners.  Apparantly some checkers will still
require you to put your item through the scanner, if it is not "high
speed" film.

d) There are lead lined pouches available, which can safely resist both
walk through, and the higher powered "checked baggage" scanners.  Though,
high power resistant bags are a bit pricier.

Building a camera onsite is not an option for me, and FEDEXING my film
back and forth will be difficult since I don't know anyone there.  I can't
buy and process film on location, since I work with large format, and have
my own peculiar processing desires.

I decided to order the SIMA lead lined bag product
http://www.simacorp.com/photo.html#filmshield for my upcoming Utah trip.

The lead lined bag approach will work well if the carry on handlers won't
hand check my film- I will still have another layer of protection as I
anxiously watch my film go through the "cooker".

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