In a message dated 4/19/02 11:50:35 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

>  The other night I tried to do an exposure of my 
>  older child while she was sleeping.  She stayed in exactly the same 
>  for such a long time.  I'm wondering if it will turn out...
>  I hate to admit how difficult it is for me to find what I consider to be 
>  suitable subject-matter for a photograph.  My children are significant to 
>  in a way that a tree or a building can never be.  But I love the long 
>  exposures with the pinhole camera because I feel I am capturing more time. 
>  I love standing around counting to myself and taking a picture while not 
>  looking through a viewfinder.  This is a challenge that I am enjoying very 
>  much, and I appreciate the help.
>  Sarah

Sarah, before your very eyes , lies a  wealth waiting to be goldmined , your 
daughters that is . They are always available, although maybe not always 
willing subjects before your camera(s) Worry not , that there is movement 
during the pinhole exposure, some really nice images come out of people 
moving within the frame , Serendipity plays here :-) 

I forget ( I do that a lot :-) but it seems to me  someone on this list  
photographs their kids/daughters, as I have seen their work online ,  one was 
a longggggg exposure , something like several hours, focused upon a 
child/daughter as she slept in her bed, and another image, am not sure if by 
the same person who made images of their daughter(s) while on a picnic, 
perhaps during the World Wide Pinhole Day last year , I am thinking ? Some 
one else on the list kindly chime in here , about this please ? 

Sarah,  aside from pinhole images and a bit off topic ...... Sally Mann who 
is a well known photographer has photographed her family with large 8X10 
format cameras, with glass lenses of course, and the images she produces seem 
to emote a warmth that subject (family ) knew the photographer well..... 

Bottom line, Sarah, play or give yourself permission to play, your kids will 
see this, and have fun too, and should you produce images out of this play, I 
can bet they will be powerful ones . Good Luck, you are on your way ..... 

Dennis Alfrey 

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