You're right...there has been little news lately...
I've finished up & promptly lost the .055" PH for, my new PU1 48" 8x10
camera. I was really hoping to test it this week but I guess not....
I hope I don't get arrested while aiming this beast. It looks like a rocket
launcher so I painted it gray & black. Pictures of the camera will be up
ow yes...PU stands for Pinhole Uberalis (SP?). If this works & makes
interesting images there is a PU-2 planned. Lucky I have a PU Truck....
commercial message follows...
This & other strange & wonderful cameras will be available for use during
Leezy's "Alternative Cameras" class here at Peters Valley Craft Center
August 23-25.
end of commercial message... 8o)

Head of Photography, Peters Valley Craft Education Center

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