--- cfowler <cfowl...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> How about different subject than photoflo !
> I am getting ready to order the zero 6x9 multiformat pinhole
> camera, has anybody used this camera's ? is it worth 200 Bucks ?
> I have mostly used large format camera's, I have a big 5x7 view
> camera, I dont think it be hard to convert to pinhole but how do
> select the distance of the bellows ( pinhole to film plane ) ?
> is there certain rule ?

I got the first one off the line (serial #2) and like it.  Only you can decide
whether it is worth the money or not.

As far as the 5X7 is concerned, simply measure the distance from the lens
holder to the film plane (I used a piece of paper and marked the distance with
a pencil).

Cheers -


Handmade Photographic Images

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