Hi Rosemarie,
I have converted several Cheapo 35mm plastic cameras into pinhole cameras.
First I measured the focal length[distance from the pinhole to the film]
then I used some help from the great people on the list to determine the
correct pinhole size.  One is Larry Fratkin's caculator found here:
http://www.mrp at ???????/calcpinh.html

And George Smyth's guide listed here:

And when all else failed I just keep sticking holes in aluminium soda can
pieces until one worked the way I wanted.  :-)  I use a bulk loader so I can
roll really short rolls for experimenting.

Well, hope this helps,
Take Care and "happy pinholing" as they say on the list.  It's a fun

Chuck Flagg

FYI: more great links on: http://www.pinholeday.org/support/

and http://www.pinholeday.org/support/

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