I am in Japan where they released Polaroid pinhole camera kits mid last year, and am thinking about buying one.

Is it worth buying one, or is it cheaper and just as good to make one from an old back?

I am a complete Polaroid beginner (only used a day lab a few times), can anyone recommend the best sites to check out to learn about building a polaroid-pinhole? What old camera models would I be looking for to get the back?



See the following site for Polaroid pack film camera models -- and lots of other information on Polaroid cameras and film:


The rigid body Colorpack and Super Shooter models (but not Square Shooter) are easily found on eBay and in thrift stores, are inexpensive, and are easily converted to pinhole use. You just need to be sure to get the 100-series film cameras, not the 80-series ones. These are definitely cheaper than a $100 new Poloroid pinhole camera. The cameras are also cheaper than separate film backs.

Without very little work, you can convert one to a "normal" focal length pinhole camera. The June/July 1998 issue of Camera Arts has an article on cutting one down to make a wide-angle body. And the Polaroid Big Shot camera can be nade into a telephoto camera.

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