I am in Japan where they released Polaroid pinhole camera kits mid last year, and am thinking about buying one.



The sepia kit is about 8000 and colour is 9000. Each include a double pack of film (sepia 606 and colour 669). They were planned to be released in the US last October for $100, but I have never seen them there. Anyway this is a bit much for a cardboard box.

My questions are:

Is there any reason that I could not use sepia/b&w film in the colour camera and visa-versa?

Is it worth buying one, or is it cheaper and just as good to make one from an old back?

I am a complete Polaroid beginner (only used a day lab a few times), can anyone recommend the best sites to check out to learn about building a polaroid-pinhole? What old camera models would I be looking for to get the back?



P.S. Should it be "pinaroid," "polarhole," or  "pinholaroid"?

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