----- Original Message -----
From: "George L Smyth" <glsm...@yahoo.com>
> >
> > << There's nothing to stop you from using 4x5 sheets of paper with a 4x5
> > back right? >>
> >
> > No...and you can enlarge them in a 4" x 5" enlarger...and in color too.
> > leezy
> How would you enlarge paper via your enlarger?

I taught a pinhole workshop for a local camera club this past Thursday.  One
of the exposures I made was a paper negative 35mm format!!  which I then
proceeded to enlarge to 6"x6" size (a center portion of the negative) .  I
had no problem doing so and IMO it held up OK, even when using satin finish
B&W paper, glossy paper would give "better" results I'd assume.  BTW,
focusing on the grain of the photo paper was absolutely not a problem, it
was very much like focusing on film grain.

Never enlarged paper before, it is definitely doable.


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