In a message dated 10/26/01 0:45:31 PM, writes:

<< Anyone know of some cheap SLR's that I can remove the lens but keep a

functioning shutter?  Like toy level prices

Dwight >>

Try ebay for an old argus model a....or check flea markets for old folding 
cameras with small shuttered lenses...some model shutters have lots of timed 
speeds, some don't so you'll have to look. When you find a good one remove 
the lens/shutter assembly, remove the lens cells, set the diaphram to a 
medium aperture and tape your zone plate directly to the diaphram. If you 
tape the zone plate very well, the diaphram blades are quite secure, but it 
does help to pin the diaphram adjustment lever in some way.

Here's my zone plate argus....

<A HREF="";>arguszpcam.jpg
</A>     or 

I discarded the lens cells but used the barrel as a hood for added protection 
to the mechanism. I adapted  prontor II shutter to the camera too...this 
shutter has many more speeds than the original argus item. Good luck



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