I recently came across a roll of Imation 3M IR-HD Recording Film on EBay
which being the kind of person I am, I had to have....so now I do.....hmmmmm
I talked to the people at Imation 3M who were very helpful & encouraging
about using this essentially IR film in normal photography. They referenced
using their developer or the Kodak Contact2000 developer which will give
great contrast & "hard dots".
I'm planning on using it with either Dektol or HC-110 Dil B for 8x10 pinhole
Any ideas??????
Ow yes,I got a roll 13.3 IN X 98 FT so it might be fun...
andy schmitt

  Computerist, Photographer, Slayer of Dragons
      All opinions expressed are mine...
    Unless otherwise stated or REALLY stupid
  www.aandy.org - not non-profit on purpose....
 members.tripod.com/andycam1/ - photography and etc

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