On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 01:40:47PM +0100, Antonio Valentino wrote:
> I've sent a request to be added to the pkg-grass group via FusionForge.

> If you think epr-api.git should be pushed in
> git://git.debian.org/pkg-grass please let me know, but I have to wait
> to be added to the pkg-grass group to do it.
This would make perfectly sense.  Just tell me once it is there and I'll
edit the tasks file accordingly to point to your packaging effort.
> Unfortunately the library exports non-public symbols so, if my
> understanding of
> http://wiki.debian.org/UsingSymbolsFiles
> is correct symbols versioning should not be used.
> Of course I could try to make a patch for this if you think.

THat's not really necessary - I just wanted to make sure you are aware
of these lintian infos and handle them if you think they can be
reasonably handled.

Kind regards and thanks for your work on this



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