On  18 Dec 2010 Antonio Valentino wrote:

> Andreas, the package now has some modifications with respect to
> the one uploaded to mentrors.debian.net. Should I re-upload modified
> package or it is no more needed?

In case you want me to sponsor the package it is fine if you tell me the
VCS location.  However, I'm not very knowledged in this field and can
only veryfy the pure packaging stuff.  So if there some more educated
member of the Debian GIS team would step in this would probably a good
idea.  If nobody might step up I can check and upload the package in
case you state explicitely that it is ready for an upload (in your
mail above you said only that you modified it - that's no clear advise
for me ;-) ).

For the re-upload question:  I'd consider it important that if there are
two locations of some software which is featuring the same version
number they should be identical.  So either you remove the package from
mentors and maintain it only in Vcs or you should sync it with mentors.
Otherwise there are chances that somewone graps the old stuff from
mentors.d.n without notifying that it is outdated.

Kind regards and thanks for your work on this



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