Re: Ole Streicher 2017-08-25 <>
> I first need to see how a postgresql upgrade would work at all in my
> case (still getting familar with the package). I could imagine that it
> helps to have an additional metapackage posgresql-default-pgsphere
> (depending on a postgersql-default package), and then have the dependency
> Depends: postgresql-default-pgsphere | postgresql-pgsphere
> in the main server package. That would install (and keep) by default the
> latest package, but also allows to work with a predefined specific
> version if the user wants this.

That should work I think.

> There is, however still some need for discussion with the gavodach upstream.
> How is this solved for other applications that need postgresql + extensions?

Unsolved so far. There's a discussion in

I'm still unsure if adding yet more packages next to the already very
small PG extension packages is the right step. But maybe I should just
give in and do it that way...


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