Alex Merry wrote:
> On Thursday 18 September 2008 17:10:18 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>> ok, so in the QGraphicsWidget dtor; i don't suppose you could install a
>> debug build of Qt so we can see where?
I'll try to do this if I have any more problems like this one.
> /me suspects the refocusing-to-a-destroyed-applet bug may have come back to 
> haunt us.
> Does the crash still happen if you put a clearFocus() line at the top of 
> KonduitScene::~KonduitScene()?
> Alex
Well I tried that too, but it didn't work.
Now I commented out
    foreach(QGraphicsItem* i, items()) {removeItem(i); }
from the ~KonduitScene() destructor, and it seems not to crash anymore.
But isn't that doing a lot of memory leaks?

Thanks a lot,
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