I agree it depends. I believe a good measure is the purpose user expects
from each widget. There are cases when he waits for just some information
and cases when he always wants any information.

Taskbar is one example of first case (and works exactly like I suggested for
Device Notifier): if there's no app running, there's no track from taskbar
being there and normally user is ok with that, he just expects to notice it
when he starts an app. So, if he he does it and taskbar still shows nothing,
*then* you'll see him looking for taskbar plasmoid.

The opposite case is a NetworkManager: once user has one there he always
wants to know info about the connection, even if the computer is
disconnected (that is, in this case, disconnection is a valuable

I believe Device Notifier is in the first case: user normally expects it to
notify about devices recently plugged in, like its name and its dialog well
say and like it behaves (only popup the dialog when something gets in, never
on getting out). That means, unlike NetworkManager, disconnections are not
relevant and, as so, no devices is not a notification user is normally
interested in. He wants it to notify and give access to stuff that hit in.
Janz (|´:¬{)»
"Eu sou a ressurreição e a vida. Quem crê em mim, ainda que morra, viverá; e
todo o que vive e crê em mim não morrerá, eternamente. Crês isto?"
O Senhor, Jesus Cristo - Jo.11:25-26

2008/10/17 Aaron J. Seigo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Friday 17 October 2008, Janz wrote:
> > What do you think?
> i wonder if this would cause people to wonder 'where it went' and try and
> add
> it back? it's not quite the same as notifications ... or maybe it is ..
> *wobbles on the fence*
> --
> Aaron J. Seigo
> humru othro a kohnu se
> GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43
> KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software
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