On Tuesday 06 January 2009 23:30:35 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> So we booked the hotel in Porto over the weekend for Tokamak II. No turning
> back now!
> Because, if you somehow managed to miss the news, 4.2 RC1 was tagged and a
> 4.2 branch made. That means trunk is now open for 4.3.

\o/ !!

> as well. Cookies for anyone who catches me screwing up. ;)

Hey, plasma's devs are all in shape! Don't try to make us gain some weight =P

> * Media Center: This is the one I'm least sure about ... but ... something
> to discuss at Tokamak for sure.

Not sure we need a full featured Media Center but maybe some helper plasmoids 
to help handling media related stuff...we already have "now playing" but we 
can figure out some other ones too...

> * new applet browser window

This one is a must do...specially to have a way to uninstall applets too...

> Hugs ...

And more hugs... =)

Artur Duque de Souza
OpenBossa Research Labs
INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia
Blog: http://labs.morpheuz.eng.br/blog/
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