On Freitag 09 Januar 2009 21:32:23 Zbigniew Braniecki wrote:
> Congratulations to everyone! KDE 4.2 is amazing achievement! (I'm saying it
> as a user)
> Regarding plans for 4.3. I just wanted to try to refresh the idea of
> Virtual Folders that were first crafted as a concept somewhere during 2004
> KDE4 brainstorming.
> I believe we have all foundations right now needed to work on this:
> FolderView, decibel for network, nepomuk for semanthics... The idea was to
> make it possible to craft a virtual view of files made by specific filters.
> Basic of them are like: get me documents edited during last two weeks.
> (imagine this on the working activity) or, "recently uploaded pictures" or
> "documents with tag 'school' from last 6 months" etc.
> but the amazing possibilities are when you connect it into your ad-hoc home
> network and think of a FloderView displaying "shared" items. So when you're
> in work, or home you could get a kind of Dropbox.com like solution but
> without an external app. Such folderview could appear only when my laptop
> is in given envirionment (work, home) and would allow me to drag&drop files
> that would be accessible from other machines around. Or by other co-workers
> from my work group. This way we could create a virtual team made of several
> people among those in the office and easily echange files between us and
> later possibly have a small chat window (Kopete + Bonjour).
> Such virtual folders have a great potential and I'd love to help with those
> (but my lack of experience with KDe programming makes me much better
> advocate than developer ;)), but I'm not sure if that sounds like a
> material for 4.3 or maybe 4.4 (give nepomuk/decibel more time?)
> Just wanted to drop some food for thoughts :)
> Zbigniew Braniecki

Kinda reminds me of what Microsoft realised with the "Homegroup" (tm) and the 
hmm I think they are calling it "Libaries" (tm) (e.g. you have video folder on 
your hd and an external drive, now you'd have the option to show them in one 

matthias (tm)
(tm)(tm) :D
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