A Wednesday 04 February 2009 08:51:30, Kevin Ottens escreveu:
> On Thursday 15 January 2009 17:47:30 Nuno Pinheiro wrote:
> > so if you coud send me a title to the presentation and expected time it
> > will take you it will be great.
> OK, I managed to put a few slides together last night, so I'll give a talk
> if that's not too late to propose it and if the schedule is not too much
> packed.
> :-)
> The title is: Zanshin -- Let's Get Things Done
> I guess it'll be 20 minutes max (probably less, depends on the audience).
> Ah, and important information: it will be mysterious and lame. :-)
> Regards.
this is not suposed to be anything craved on stone and usuly there is not alot 
of people coming to this presentations here in portugal (10 or so people I 
expect) so we are prety much on our hown..
The presentations had to be moved to friday afternon couse in the morning the 
presentation venue was unavailable... I gess that is plenty of time to do the 
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