Attached is the diff for the Plasma styled tabbox after Nuno's visual review.

Short summary of the visual changes:
 * usage of smallestReadableFont instead of default font
 * text is aligned to bottom instead of vertical center
 * bigger distance between items (+2 pixels)
 * active client has the "focus" background of task applet
 * all other clients have no background
 * font is not changed for active client any more
 * minimum tabbox size is 1/5 instead of 1/3 of screen as the font's smaller

I just searched for screenshots of tabbox and the oldest I found is from 2004 
(from this mail And 
since then the tabbox has not been visually changed at all except changing the 
frame style. So it's really time for it ;-) And thanks a lot to Nuno for his 
help. Here's a screenshot:

I also changed some other things like calculating the width includes the 
optional desktop name and when the tabbox is too high for the screen one more 
item is dropped to have a better visual appearance.
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 68ca2b2..0f727f6 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ qt4_add_dbus_adaptor( kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS org.kde.KWin.xml workspace.h KWin::Works
 kde4_add_kdeinit_executable( kwin ${kwin_KDEINIT_SRCS})
-target_link_libraries(kdeinit_kwin ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS} kephal kdecorations kwineffects ${X11_LIBRARIES})
+target_link_libraries(kdeinit_kwin ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS} ${KDE4_PLASMA_LIBS} kephal kdecorations kwineffects ${X11_LIBRARIES})
   target_link_libraries(kdeinit_kwin ${OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY})
diff --git a/tabbox.cpp b/tabbox.cpp
index 5d1a173..5aa26ae 100644
--- a/tabbox.cpp
+++ b/tabbox.cpp
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
 Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <>
+Copyright (C) 2009 Martin Gräßlin <>
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -26,15 +27,10 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 #include "effects.h"
 #include "client.h"
 #include <QPainter>
-#include <QLabel>
-#include <qdrawutil.h>
-#include <QStyle>
 #include <kglobal.h>
 #include <fixx11h.h>
 #include <kconfig.h>
 #include <klocale.h>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QDesktopWidget>
 #include <QAction>
 #include <stdarg.h>
 #include <kdebug.h>
@@ -46,6 +42,8 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 #include <kactioncollection.h>
 #include <kkeyserver.h>
 #include <kconfiggroup.h>
+#include <Plasma/Theme>
+#include <KGlobalSettings>
 // specify externals before namespace
@@ -55,17 +53,24 @@ namespace KWin
 extern QPixmap* kwin_get_menu_pix_hack();
 TabBox::TabBox( Workspace *ws )
-    : QFrame( 0, Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint )
+    : QGraphicsView()
     , wspace(ws)
     , client(0)
     , display_refcount( 0 )
-    setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel);
-    setFrameShadow(QFrame::Raised);
-    setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Base);
-    setLineWidth(3);
-    setMidLineWidth(3);
-    setContentsMargins( 3, 3, 3, 3 );
+    scene = new QGraphicsScene( this );
+    setWindowFlags( Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint );
+    setScene( scene );
+    setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
+    viewport()->setAutoFillBackground( false );
+    setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
+    setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
+    frame.setImagePath( "opaque/dialogs/background" );
+    frame.setCacheAllRenderedFrames( true );
+    frame.setEnabledBorders( Plasma::FrameSvg::AllBorders );
+    item_frame.setImagePath( "widgets/tasks" );
+    item_frame.setCacheAllRenderedFrames( true );
+    item_frame.setEnabledBorders( Plasma::FrameSvg::AllBorders );
     showMiniIcon = false;
@@ -188,12 +193,14 @@ void TabBox::createDesktopList(QList< int > &list, int start, SortOrder order)
 void TabBox::reset( bool partial_reset )
     int w, h, cw = 0, wmax = 0;
+    qreal left, top, right, bottom;
+    frame.getMargins( left, top, right, bottom );
     QRect r = workspace()->screenGeometry( workspace()->activeScreen());
     // calculate height of 1 line
-    // fontheight + 1 pixel above + 1 pixel below, or 32x32 icon + 2 pixel above + below
-    lineHeight = qMax(fontMetrics().height() + 2, 32 + 4);
+    // fontheight + 2 pixel above + 2 pixel below, or 32x32 icon + 4 pixel above + below
+    lineHeight = qMax(QFontMetrics( KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont() ).height() + 2, 32 + 8);
     if ( mode() == TabBoxWindowsMode )
@@ -207,10 +214,15 @@ void TabBox::reset( bool partial_reset )
         createClientList(clients, options_traverse_all ? -1 : workspace()->currentDesktop(), starting_client, true);
         // calculate maximum caption width
-        cw = fontMetrics().width(no_tasks)+20;
+        cw = fontMetrics().width(no_tasks) + 20;
+        QFont f = font();
+        f.setPointSize( KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont().pointSize() );
+        QFontMetrics fm = QFontMetrics( f );
         for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.constBegin(); it != clients.constEnd(); ++it)
-          cw = fontMetrics().width( (*it)->caption() );
+          cw = fm.width( (*it)->caption() );
+          if( (*it)->desktop() != wspace->currentDesktop() )
+            cw += fm.width( QString( wspace->desktopName((*it)->desktop()) + ": " ) );
           if ( cw > wmax ) wmax = cw;
@@ -228,18 +240,18 @@ void TabBox::reset( bool partial_reset )
           showMiniIcon = false;
           h = clients.count() * lineHeight;
-          if ( h > (r.height()-(2*frameWidth())) )  // if too high, use mini icons
+          if ( h > (r.height()-(top + bottom)) )  // if too high, use mini icons
             showMiniIcon = true;
-            // fontheight + 1 pixel above + 1 pixel below, or 16x16 icon + 1 pixel above + below
-            lineHeight = qMax(fontMetrics().height() + 2, 16 + 2);
+            // fontheight + 1 pixel above + 1 pixel below, or 16x16 icon + 2 pixel above + below
+            lineHeight = qMax(QFontMetrics( KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont() ).height() + 2, 16 + 4);
             h = clients.count() * lineHeight;
-            if ( h > (r.height()-(2*frameWidth())) ) // if still too high, remove some clients
+            if ( h > (r.height()-(top + bottom)) ) // if still too high, remove some clients
                 // how many clients to remove
-                int howMany = (h - (r.height()-(2*frameWidth())))/lineHeight;
+                int howMany = (h - (r.height()-(top + bottom)))/lineHeight + 1;
                 for (; howMany; howMany--)
@@ -278,18 +290,85 @@ void TabBox::reset( bool partial_reset )
     // height, width for the popup
-    h += 2 * frameWidth();
-    w = 2*frameWidth() + 5*2 + ( showMiniIcon ? 16 : 32 ) + 8 + wmax; // 5*2=margins, ()=icon, 8=space between icon+text
-    w = qBound( r.width()/3 , w, r.width() * 4 / 5 );
+    h += top + bottom;
+    h = qMin( h, r.height() );
+    w = left + right + 5*2 + ( showMiniIcon ? 16 : 32 ) + 8 + wmax; // 5*2=margins, ()=icon, 8=space between icon+text
+    w = qBound( r.width()/5 , w, r.width() * 4 / 5 );
-    setGeometry( (r.width()-w)/2 + r.x(),
+    setGeometry((r.width()-w)/2 + r.x(),
                  (r.height()-h)/2+ r.y(),
                  w, h );
+    scene->setSceneRect( 0, 0, w, h );
+    frame.resizeFrame( QRect( 0, 0, w , h ).size() );
+    // resizing the item frame
+    item_frame.setElementPrefix( "focus" );
+    item_frame.resizeFrame( QRect( 0, 0, w-left-right, lineHeight ).size() );
+    setMask( frame.mask() );
+    if( partial_reset )
+        initScene();
     if( effects )
+void TabBox::initScene()
+    {
+    scene->clear();
+    qreal left, top, right, bottom;
+    frame.getMargins( left, top, right, bottom );
+    if( mode() == TabBoxWindowsMode )
+        {
+        if( clients.count() == 0 )
+            {
+            QFont f = font();
+            f.setBold( true );
+            f.setPointSize( 14 );
+            QGraphicsTextItem* item = scene->addText( no_tasks, f );
+            item->setDefaultTextColor( Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->color( Plasma::Theme::TextColor ) );
+            item->adjustSize();
+            item->setPos( width()*0.5 - QFontMetrics(f).width( item->toPlainText() )*0.5,
+                height()*0.5 - QFontMetrics(f).height()*0.5 );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // add clients to scene
+            int index = 0;
+            foreach( Client* client, clients )
+                {
+                TabBoxWindowItem* item = new TabBoxWindowItem( client, this );
+                item->setHeight( lineHeight );
+                item->setWidth( width() - left - right );
+                item->setShowMiniIcons( showMiniIcon );
+                item->setPos( left, top + lineHeight * index );
+                scene->addItem( item );
+                index++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        { // TabBoxDesktopMode || TabBoxDesktopListMode
+        int y = top;
+        QRect r = workspace()->screenGeometry( workspace()->activeScreen());
+        foreach (int it, desktops)
+            {
+            TabBoxDesktopItem* item = new TabBoxDesktopItem( it, this );
+            item->setHeight( lineHeight );
+            item->setWidth( width() - left - right );
+            item->setPos( left, top + lineHeight * (it-1) );
+            scene->addItem( item );
+            // next desktop
+            y += lineHeight;
+            if ( y >= r.height() )
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
   Shows the next or previous item, depending on \a next
@@ -431,181 +510,11 @@ void TabBox::hideEvent( QHideEvent* )
-  Paints the tab box
- */
-void TabBox::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* e )
+void TabBox::drawBackground( QPainter* painter, const QRectF& rect )
-    QFrame::paintEvent( e );
-    QPainter p( this );
-    QRect r( contentsRect());
-    QPixmap* menu_pix = kwin_get_menu_pix_hack();
-    int iconWidth = showMiniIcon ? 16 : 32;
-    int x = r.x();
-    int y = r.y();
-    if ( mode () == TabBoxWindowsMode )
-        {
-        if ( !currentClient() )
-            {
-            QFont f = font();
-            f.setBold( true );
-            f.setPointSize( 14 );
-            p.setFont(f);
-            p.drawText( r, Qt::AlignCenter, no_tasks);
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            for (ClientList::ConstIterator it = clients.constBegin(); it != clients.constEnd(); ++it)
-              {
-              if ( workspace()->hasClient( *it ) )  // safety
-                  {
-                  // draw highlight background
-                  if ( (*it) == currentClient() )
-                    p.fillRect(x, y, r.width(), lineHeight, palette().brush( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ));
-                  // draw icon
-                  QPixmap icon;
-                  if ( showMiniIcon )
-                    {
-                    if ( !(*it)->miniIcon().isNull() )
-                      icon = (*it)->miniIcon();
-                    }
-                  else
-                    if ( !(*it)->icon().isNull() )
-                      icon = (*it)->icon();
-                    else if ( menu_pix )
-                      icon = *menu_pix;
-                  if( !icon.isNull())
-                    {
-                    if( (*it)->isMinimized())
-                        KIconEffect::semiTransparent( icon );
-                    p.drawPixmap( x+5, y + (lineHeight - iconWidth)/2, icon );
-                    }
-                  // generate text to display
-                  QString s;
-                  if ( !(*it)->isOnDesktop(workspace()->currentDesktop()) )
-                    s = workspace()->desktopName((*it)->desktop()) + ": ";
-                  if ( (*it)->isMinimized() )
-                    s += '(' + (*it)->caption() + ')';
-                  else
-                    s += (*it)->caption();
-                  s = fontMetrics().elidedText( s, Qt::ElideMiddle, r.width() - 5 - iconWidth - 8 );
-                  // draw text
-                  if ( (*it) == currentClient() )
-                    p.setPen(palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText ));
-                  else if( (*it)->isMinimized())
-                    {
-                    QColor c1 = palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text );
-                    QColor c2 = palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background );
-                    // from kicker's TaskContainer::blendColors()
-                    int r1, g1, b1;
-                    int r2, g2, b2;
-                    c1.getRgb( &r1, &g1, &b1 );
-                    c2.getRgb( &r2, &g2, &b2 );
-                    r1 += (int) ( .5 * ( r2 - r1 ) );
-                    g1 += (int) ( .5 * ( g2 - g1 ) );
-                    b1 += (int) ( .5 * ( b2 - b1 ) );
-                    p.setPen(QColor( r1, g1, b1 ));
-                    }
-                  else
-                    p.setPen(palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text ));
-                  p.drawText(x+5 + iconWidth + 8, y, r.width() - 5 - iconWidth - 8, lineHeight,
-                              Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::TextSingleLine, s);
-                  y += lineHeight;
-                  }
-              if ( y >= r.height() ) break;
-              }
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        { // TabBoxDesktopMode || TabBoxDesktopListMode
-        int iconHeight = iconWidth;
-        // get widest desktop name/number
-        QFont f(font());
-        f.setBold(true);
-        f.setPixelSize(iconHeight - 4);  // pixel, not point because I need to know the pixels
-        QFontMetrics fm(f);
-        int wmax = 0;
-        foreach (int it, desktops)
-            {
-            wmax = qMax(wmax, fontMetrics().width(workspace()->desktopName(it)));
-            // calculate max width of desktop-number text
-            QString num = QString::number(it);
-            iconWidth = qMax(iconWidth - 4, fm.boundingRect(num).width()) + 4;
-            }
-        foreach (int it, desktops)
-            {
-            // draw highlight background
-            if ( it == desk )  // current desktop
-              p.fillRect(x, y, r.width(), lineHeight, palette().brush( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ));
-  ;
-            // draw "icon" (here: number of desktop)
-            p.fillRect(x+5, y+2, iconWidth, iconHeight, palette().brush( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base ));
-            p.setPen(palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text ));
-            p.drawRect(x+5, y+2, iconWidth, iconHeight);
-            // draw desktop-number
-            p.setFont(f);
-            QString num = QString::number(it);
-            p.drawText(x+5, y+2, iconWidth, iconHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, num);
-            p.restore();
-            // draw desktop name text
-            if ( it == desk )
-              p.setPen(palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText ));
-            else
-              p.setPen(palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text ));
-            p.drawText(x+5 + iconWidth + 8, y, r.width() - 5 - iconWidth - 8, lineHeight,
-                       Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::TextSingleLine,
-                       workspace()->desktopName(it));
-            // show mini icons from that desktop aligned to each other
-            int x1 = x + 5 + iconWidth + 8 + wmax + 5;
-            ClientList list;
-            createClientList(list, it, 0, false);
-            // clients are in reversed stacking order
-            for ( int i = list.size() - 1; i>=0; i-- )
-              {
-              if ( ! i )->miniIcon().isNull() )
-                {
-                if ( x1+18 >= x+r.width() )  // only show full icons
-                  break;
-                p.drawPixmap( x1, y + (lineHeight - 16)/2,  i )->miniIcon() );
-                x1 += 18;
-                }
-              }
-            // next desktop
-            y += lineHeight;
-            if ( y >= r.height() ) break;
-            }
-        }
+    qreal left, top, right, bottom;
+    frame.getMargins( left, top, right, bottom );
+    frame.paintFrame( painter, rect.adjusted( -left, -top, right, bottom ) );
@@ -715,7 +624,9 @@ void TabBox::handleMouseEvent( XEvent* e )
-    int num = (widgetPos.y()-frameWidth()) / lineHeight;
+    qreal left, top, right, bottom;
+    frame.getMargins( left, top, right, bottom );
+    int num = (widgetPos.y()-top) / lineHeight;
     if( mode() == TabBoxWindowsMode )
@@ -747,6 +658,225 @@ void TabBox::handleMouseEvent( XEvent* e )
+// TabBoxWindowItem
+TabBoxWindowItem::TabBoxWindowItem( Client* client, TabBox* parent )
+    : QGraphicsItem()
+    , m_client( client )
+    , m_parent( parent )
+    , m_width( 0 )
+    , m_height( 0 )
+    , m_showMiniIcons( false )
+    {
+    }
+    {
+    }
+QRectF TabBoxWindowItem::boundingRect() const
+    {
+    return QRectF( 0, 0, m_width, m_height );
+    }
+void TabBoxWindowItem::setHeight( int height )
+    {
+    m_height = height;
+    }
+void TabBoxWindowItem::setWidth( int width )
+    {
+    m_width = width;
+    }
+void TabBoxWindowItem::setShowMiniIcons( bool showMiniIcons )
+    {
+    m_showMiniIcons = showMiniIcons;
+    }
+void TabBoxWindowItem::paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget )
+    {
+    painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
+    drawBackground( painter, option, widget );
+    // draw icon
+    int iconWidth = m_showMiniIcons ? 16 : 32;
+    int x = 0;
+    QPixmap* menu_pix = kwin_get_menu_pix_hack();
+    QPixmap icon;
+    if ( m_showMiniIcons )
+        {
+        if ( !m_client->miniIcon().isNull() )
+            icon = m_client->miniIcon();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if ( !m_client->icon().isNull() )
+            icon = m_client->icon();
+        else if ( menu_pix )
+            icon = *menu_pix;
+        }
+    if( !icon.isNull())
+        {
+        if( m_client->isMinimized())
+            KIconEffect::semiTransparent( icon );
+        if( m_client == m_parent->currentClient() )
+            {
+            KIconEffect *effect = KIconLoader::global()->iconEffect();
+            icon = effect->apply( icon, KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::ActiveState );
+            }
+        painter->drawPixmap( x+5, (m_height - iconWidth)/2, icon );
+        }
+    // generate text to display
+    QString s;
+    if ( !m_client->isOnDesktop(m_parent->workspace()->currentDesktop()) )
+    s = m_parent->workspace()->desktopName(m_client->desktop()) + ": ";
+    if ( m_client->isMinimized() )
+    s += '(' + m_client->caption() + ')';
+    else
+    s += m_client->caption();
+    QFont font = painter->font();
+    font.setPointSize( KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont().pointSize() );
+    QFontMetrics fm = QFontMetrics( font );
+    s = fm.elidedText( s, Qt::ElideMiddle, m_width - 5 - iconWidth - 8 );
+    painter->setPen( Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->color( Plasma::Theme::TextColor ) );
+    if( m_client->isMinimized() )
+        {
+        font.setItalic( true );
+        }
+    painter->setFont( font );
+    painter->drawText( x+5 + iconWidth + 8, 0, m_width - 5 - iconWidth - 8, m_height - (m_showMiniIcons ? 2 : 4),
+                              Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::TextSingleLine, s );
+    }
+void TabBoxWindowItem::drawBackground( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* , QWidget* )
+    {
+    if( m_client == m_parent->currentClient() )
+        {
+        m_parent->itemFrame()->setElementPrefix( "focus" );
+        m_parent->itemFrame()->paintFrame( painter, boundingRect() );
+        }
+    }
+// TabBoxDesktopItem
+TabBoxDesktopItem::TabBoxDesktopItem( int desktop, TabBox* parent )
+    : QGraphicsItem()
+    , m_desktop( desktop )
+    , m_parent( parent )
+    , m_width( 0 )
+    , m_height( 0 )
+    {
+    }
+    {
+    }
+QRectF TabBoxDesktopItem::boundingRect() const
+    {
+    return QRectF( 0, 0, m_width, m_height );
+    }
+void TabBoxDesktopItem::setHeight( int height )
+    {
+    m_height = height;
+    }
+void TabBoxDesktopItem::setWidth( int width )
+    {
+    m_width = width;
+    }
+void TabBoxDesktopItem::paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget )
+    {
+    painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
+    drawBackground( painter, option, widget );
+    int iconWidth = 32;
+    int iconHeight = iconWidth;
+    int x = 0;
+    int y = 0;
+    // get widest desktop name/number
+    QFont f = painter->font();
+    f.setBold(true);
+    f.setPixelSize(iconHeight - 4);  // pixel, not point because I need to know the pixels
+    QFontMetrics fm = QFontMetrics( f );
+    QString num = QString::number( m_desktop );
+    iconWidth = qMax(iconWidth - 4, fm.boundingRect(num).width()) + 4;
+    // draw "icon" (here: number of desktop)
+    painter->save();
+    QBrush brush;
+    if( m_desktop == m_parent->currentDesktop() )
+        brush = m_parent->palette().brush( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight );
+    else
+        brush = m_parent->palette().brush( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base );
+    painter->fillRect(x+5, y+4, iconWidth, iconHeight, brush );
+    painter->setPen(m_parent->palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text ));
+    painter->drawRect(x+5, y+4, iconWidth, iconHeight);
+    // draw desktop-number
+    painter->setFont(f);
+    painter->drawText(x+5, y+4, iconWidth, iconHeight, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, num);
+    painter->restore();
+    // draw desktop name text
+    QFont font = painter->font();
+    font.setPointSize( KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont().pointSize() );
+    painter->setFont( font );
+    fm = QFontMetrics( font );
+    int wmax = fm.width( m_parent->workspace()->desktopName( m_desktop ));
+    painter->setPen( Plasma::Theme::defaultTheme()->color( Plasma::Theme::TextColor ) );
+    painter->drawText(x+5 + iconWidth + 8, y, m_width - 5 - iconWidth - 8, m_height - 4,
+                    Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::TextSingleLine,
+                    m_parent->workspace()->desktopName( m_desktop ));
+    // show mini icons from that desktop aligned to each other
+    int x1 = x + 5 + iconWidth + 8 + wmax + 5;
+    ClientList list;
+    m_parent->createClientList(list, m_desktop, 0, false);
+    // clients are in reversed stacking order
+    for ( int i = list.size() - 1; i>=0; i-- )
+        {
+        if ( ! i )->miniIcon().isNull() )
+            {
+            if ( x1+18 >= m_width )  // only show full icons
+                break;
+            painter->drawPixmap( x1, y + (m_height - 16)/2,  i )->miniIcon() );
+            x1 += 18;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void TabBoxDesktopItem::drawBackground( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, QWidget* )
+    {
+    if( m_desktop == m_parent->currentDesktop() )
+        {
+        m_parent->itemFrame()->setElementPrefix( "focus" );
+        m_parent->itemFrame()->paintFrame( painter, boundingRect() );
+        }
+    }
 // Workspace
@@ -969,6 +1099,7 @@ bool Workspace::startKDEWalkThroughWindows()
     modalActionsSwitch( false );
     tab_box->setMode( TabBoxWindowsMode );
+    tab_box->initScene();
     return true;
@@ -980,6 +1111,7 @@ bool Workspace::startWalkThroughDesktops( TabBoxMode mode )
     modalActionsSwitch( false );
     tab_box->setMode( mode );
+    tab_box->initScene();
     return true;
diff --git a/tabbox.h b/tabbox.h
index f1045b2..79720b3 100644
--- a/tabbox.h
+++ b/tabbox.h
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Matthias Ettrich <>
 Copyright (C) 2003 Lubos Lunak <>
+Copyright (C) 2009 Martin Gräßlin <>
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -22,8 +23,11 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 #ifndef KWIN_TABBOX_H
 #define KWIN_TABBOX_H
-#include <QFrame>
 #include <QTimer>
+#include <QGraphicsView>
+#include <QGraphicsScene>
+#include <QGraphicsItem>
+#include <Plasma/FrameSvg>
 #include "utils.h"
@@ -33,7 +37,7 @@ namespace KWin
 class Workspace;
 class Client;
-class TabBox : public QFrame
+class TabBox : public QGraphicsView
@@ -53,6 +57,7 @@ class TabBox : public QFrame
         TabBoxMode mode() const;
         void reset( bool partial_reset = false );
+        void initScene();
         void nextPrev( bool next = true);
         void delayedShow();
@@ -67,6 +72,9 @@ class TabBox : public QFrame
         Workspace* workspace() const;
         void reconfigure();
+        void createClientList(ClientList &list, int desktop /*-1 = all*/, Client *start, bool chain);
+        Plasma::FrameSvg* itemFrame();
     public slots:
         void show();
@@ -74,10 +82,9 @@ class TabBox : public QFrame
         void showEvent( QShowEvent* );
         void hideEvent( QHideEvent* );
-        void paintEvent( QPaintEvent* );
+        virtual void drawBackground( QPainter * painter, const QRectF & rect );
-        void createClientList(ClientList &list, int desktop /*-1 = all*/, Client *start, bool chain);
         void createDesktopList(QList< int > &list, int start, SortOrder order);
@@ -94,6 +101,49 @@ class TabBox : public QFrame
         int lineHeight;
         bool showMiniIcon;
         bool options_traverse_all;
+        QGraphicsScene* scene;
+        Plasma::FrameSvg frame;
+        Plasma::FrameSvg item_frame;
+    };
+class TabBoxWindowItem : public QGraphicsItem
+    {
+    public:
+        TabBoxWindowItem( Client* client, TabBox* parent );
+        ~TabBoxWindowItem();
+        virtual QRectF boundingRect() const;
+        virtual void paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget );
+        void setWidth( int width );
+        void setHeight( int height );
+        void setShowMiniIcons( bool showMiniIcons );
+    protected:
+        virtual void drawBackground( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, QWidget* );
+    private:
+        Client* m_client;
+        TabBox* m_parent;
+        int m_width;
+        int m_height;
+        bool m_showMiniIcons;
+    };
+class TabBoxDesktopItem : public QGraphicsItem
+    {
+    public:
+        TabBoxDesktopItem( int desktop, TabBox* parent );
+        ~TabBoxDesktopItem();
+        virtual QRectF boundingRect() const;
+        virtual void paint( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget );
+        void setWidth( int width );
+        void setHeight( int height );
+    protected:
+        virtual void drawBackground( QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, QWidget* );
+    private:
+        int m_desktop;
+        TabBox* m_parent;
+        int m_width;
+        int m_height;
@@ -136,6 +186,12 @@ inline bool TabBox::isDisplayed() const
     return display_refcount > 0;
+inline Plasma::FrameSvg* TabBox::itemFrame()
+    {
+    return &item_frame;
+    }
 } // namespace

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