On Saturday 28 February 2009 15:08:49 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> On Saturday 28 February 2009 13:42:13 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> > Attached is the diff for the Plasma styled tabbox after Nuno's visual
> > review.
> >
> > Short summary of the visual changes:
> >  * usage of smallestReadableFont instead of default font
> >  * text is aligned to bottom instead of vertical center
> >  * bigger distance between items (+2 pixels)
> >  * active client has the "focus" background of task applet
> >  * all other clients have no background
> >  * font is not changed for active client any more
> >  * minimum tabbox size is 1/5 instead of 1/3 of screen as the font's
> > smaller
> >
> > I just searched for screenshots of tabbox and the oldest I found is from
> > 2004 (from this mail
> > http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-devel&m=107557526413175&w=2). And since then
> > the tabbox has not been visually changed at all except changing the frame
> > style. So it's really time for it ;-) And thanks a lot to Nuno for his
> > help. Here's a screenshot:
> > http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/3500/tabboxbigicons.png
> >
> > I also changed some other things like calculating the width includes the
> > optional desktop name and when the tabbox is too high for the screen one
> > more item is dropped to have a better visual appearance.
> Very nice :)
> One question, does it use the translucent graphics when compositing is
> enabled? (It doesn't look like it does...)
No it doesn't. I don't know why, but translucent background just doesn't work. 
And as tabbox is by default only shown for non-composited setup, I don't want 
to spent too much time on it ;-)

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