On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Aaron J. Seigo <ase...@kde.org> wrote:
> On September 23, 2009, Dario Freddi wrote:
>> presented as "your initiative" regardless of Ayatana. However, with Ayatana
>> notifications user interaction is not possible, hence your previous patch
>>  was either an unfortunate wrong timing coincidence or strictly related.
> of course it is strictly related. that this wasn't made obvious in the posting
> to kde-core-devel is a little odd but also completely what i've come to
> expect. i didn't really feel like going into on kde-core-devel because i don't
> think there's anything to gain at this point, but it's no  surprise that the
> people who felt it necessary to come up with such a patch are the people who
> have removed actions from notifications. 2 + 2 = 4.
>>  the desktop workspace would be broken. Hence this makes me really believe
>>  you're taking the wrong route here. You are basically pushing 2 different
> before this gets carried forward into a big thread on this list, it has been
> made very clear that Canonical is intent on following through on these ideas
> as they are. it  is an insular project without outside participation, which is
> something they are perfectly free to engage in and i fully support their right
> to do so.

The Ayatana notifcations are installed by default but not configured
by default in Kubuntu Karmic for *testing* purposes (this wasn't clear
in Aurelian's email). We (Kubuntu) didn't want to provide it by
default and adding a configuration option was a compromise we made
with the Canonical Design team who wanted to see how the system works
for KDE users used to actions in notifications (not really the best
evaluation method, but whatever). If it ends up that the Ayatana
notifcations fail in a major way, then the configuration option and
functionality will (in theory) be removed from defaults (but users
will still be able to install as an addon it if they want).

Canonical did a really bad job involving upstreams in the design
process and are now trying to make up for it by keeping upstreams
aware of what is going on. It may be too little too late, but if we
(KDE) can at least humor them, then they will be more willing to
listen how they can make their software work better with KDE (even if
it doesn't follow what KDE wants to do) instead of just forcing
Kubuntu to ship whatever they produce.

Celeste Lyn Paul
KDE Usability Project
KDE e.V. Board of Directors
Plasma-devel mailing list

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