On October 14, 2009 08:17:49 Chani wrote:
> On October 13, 2009 21:34:11 Matthew Dawson wrote:
> > Thinking about the "a-containment-per-virtual-desktop mode", I feel like
> > I use that feature as a substitute for the missing ability of having
> > nepomuk tied activities.  I'd think once you have activities proper this
> > feature will seem (and feel) redundant.  Maybe the better option would be
> > to simply remove the "a-containment-per-virtual-desktop mode" once
> > activities are done?
> well, if we do try removing them, this would be the only chance at doing so
> without being burnt to a complete crisp. ;)
> shall we try it out when the activity-bar first lands, then? and come back
>  to this before the final release to see whether it worked for the
>  per-desktop people.

another thought - if we do that we'll want global kbd shortcuts for switching 
activity, I guess. then there may be complaints from the handful of people 
using active borders (switching desktops by shoving the mouse off the edge) or 
those who want a pretty kwin effect to switch with.

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