On Monday 09 November 2009 14:06:40 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> Status update...
> On Friday 06 November 2009 19:00:54 Will Stephenson wrote:
> > Off the top of my head:
> >
> > * Check that RemoteVpnConnectionitem and
> > RemoteHiddenWirelessNetworkConnectionitem are complete (service side)
> > * Implement these including Disconnect button
> > * Design the Plasma side graphicsitem family for minimum code duplication
> > * Tooltips
> Should both be OK, modulo some smallish fixes that will creep in.
> > * Make main interface (not popup) able to show connecting, connected, VPN
> > active states
> Which main interface are you talking about?

What's the proper name for the plasmoid as it appears in a containment in non-
popped-up state?  That interface.

> > * A plasma-esque way to show the list of all wireless networks (not in
> > the main popup, so this doesn't explode out of the screen).
> > KNetworkManager uses a regular KDialog for this
> Again, what exactly do you mean?

I mean 'do what KNetworkManager does' and don't fill the popup with 
unconfigured wireless networks that we are not interested in most of the time 
and just add noise.

Instead show configured wireless networks (WirelessInterfaceConnections) in 
the popup, and show other WirelessNetworks and all HiddenWirelessNetworks (so 
that people can connect to their configured hidden networks in a second level 

> > * (Optional) icon per interface support

Is this off the table for 4.4?

> > * The service needs either properly kded-modulizing or splitting out into
> > a separate process like kwalletd
> >
> > I'm sure we'll come up more in the meeting starting NOW in #plasma
> Over the weekend, I've done the following:
> - removed SVGs, use KIcon all over
> - fix up tooltips and interface item's title
> - less code duplication, new class UiUtils (in libs/ui now)
> Next to tackle:
> 1 connection progress in the panel icon
> 2 buglet in sorting connection list, an interface that is connecting should
>  be more important than an inactive one
> 3 layouting bug where the activatablelist overflows its scrollwidget (looks
>  like a parenting problem)
> 4 I'm asked more than once for the connection's password, I think
>  knetworkmanager has the same problem

When exactly?  The known 'bug' is that since knetworkmanager, and the KCM, are 
distinct apps, KWallet policy has to be set independently on those, so you get 
one KWallet dialog when first creating a connection, and another one when 
knetworkmanager (or the kded module, for the plasmoid) tries to open the 
wallet to provide NM with the password.

> I'd appreciate if someone could look into the latter two (3 and 4), I've
>  been banging my head against the layoutwall enough already.
> Note that I can't test VPN or mobile broadband stuff. If nobody can do
>  that, we should disable it before the release.

I can test those.  The main things to do for those are make sure there is a 
disconnect button shown when they are connected (doesn't need hardware or a 
VPN login) and check that the 'main UI' (as defined above) shows the right 
icon when those are active (needs hardware or a VPN login).

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