On Monday 09 November 2009 21:32:30 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On November 9, 2009, Petri Damstén wrote:
> > On Monday 09 November 2009 15:06:40 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > > Note that I can't test VPN or mobile broadband stuff. If nobody can do
> > >  that, we should disable it before the release.
> >
> > It would be nice if there could be a simpler configuration dialog shown
> >  first on add like:
> imho, it would be nice if it didn't pop up a second dialog at all and just
>  ask for the username and pasword right inside the nm applet itself; the
>  "advanced" settings could pop up a dialog perhaps, but there is a lot of
>  room in that new dialog for a simple "put in your username, password"
>  interface with a couple of buttons.

This will only work for WPA-PSK wireless connections though, for EAP, cellular 
and VPN connections there are just too many mandatory settings to show even a 
simplified view in the popup.  Do you want to introduce a second interaction 
path just for a different type of wifi connection?

Providing secrets in-popup also requires changing the separation between the 
config UI and the control UIs.  Right now the control UIs have no way to 
modify connections at all.  We'd need a way for the control UI to tell the 
backend to create a default-configured connection for a given SSID (or 
cellular device, or whatever), activate it, receive the resulting GetSecrets 
call from NM and forward that to the control UI, get secrets, then pass the 
secrets back to NM.

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